A friend of mine recently posted the following on his Facebook page:
It is official that Christ is now #3 behind Santa (#2) and Elf on the Shelf (#1) as the reason for the season. To counter this "trending" effect, please post a picture of something in your house that symbolizes the real reason for the season and see if we can reverse this trend.
I then stopped and asked myself if what I am doing in my own home to make sure that Christ IS #1 during this time of year is actually enough. I know that daily my kids come downstairs and look for Eggbert (our Elf) to see where he is hanging out next and that we've talked about Santa and our visit with him.
And yes, we DO talk about Christ and the meaning of this very holy and joyous season. The following is a peek at the daily reminders in our home.
This is a nativity scene I gifted to the kids a few years ago but when doing my holiday decorating this year I decided to put it in a place where they could see it more often each day instead of having them keep it in their room. This sweet scene is what you'll see front and center as you enter into our home. I love it!
This is one of my favorite projects brought home by the Kindergarteners at my kids' school. I still have my oldest's from just two short years ago and now my middle son has his sitting in our front room next to the Christmas tree. Each day he comes down to move the star closer and closer to the nativity scene and on Christmas day the star will appear just above the manger! It is hands-down one of my favorite holiday decorations that the kids bring home.
And of course, our Advent Jesse Tree. This has been an annual tradition for too many years for me to remember! It is something my kids look forward to every night before bedtime. New this season, my oldest is actually doing the readings from the book that accompanies this tradition and I get to sit and reflect on his reading. It is truly magical!
This sweet little homemade nativity scene is something my son came home with from preschool last year. I love its simplicity and the warmth it brings displayed in our family room. It's a sweet reminder of what the season truly is about.
I am loving all of the traditions that I've continued on with my kids whether it's the Elf or Santa or something more, but it's clear in our home the meaning of what we're really celebrating.
Do you have ways of celebrating the true meaning of the season in your home? I'd love for you to link up your post below about how you're keeping Christ #1 at Christmastime!