Our boys are quite adventurous. But, they're not exactly big risk-takers like the hubs and I. During our recent trip to Disney, for the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in April 2012, we had the ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME chance to experience Animal Kingdom park at night. Yep, that's right. All the best rides in the park with the lights out!
The hubs and I were completely stoked. I mean, if you know anything about Disneyworld, it's that Expedition Everest is hands-down one of the top thrill rides in Florida! So, to be able to experience the ride in the dark was something we jumped at the chance for!
Our kids, not so much.
But you know, Disney has that way of bringing us out of our comfort zone in such a way that now, after it's all said and done, we couldn't have imagined turning out any other way.
That's me with my 6 year-old, William on Expedition Everest at about 8 p.m. - completely in the dark except for the flash of the camera! I love this photo on so many levels. I should mention that the photo effects were added when my family and I took advantage of Disney's PhotoPass service, which I highly recommend for your next Disney vacation.
Now, if you had any clue about the conversation {and bribery} that took place just before we boarded this ride, you'd appreciate that he is even on this ride with me as much as I do. But once the ride was over, he was SO proud of himself!! And, not only was I proud of him for trusting me that the ride would be amazing, but what you see above - this moment - is something that we still talk about fondly and is something that we'll always have together. I love the looks on our both of our faces and love that we took advantages of an opportunity that not many others can say they have. This ride will forever have a special place in my heart because of this experience. And, it's something I can't wait to ride again soon with my boys!
{This post is part of the magic at Super Jenn's Monday’s Magical Moments.}