On the day we visited Animal Kingdom during our most recent Disney trip this spring, I wanted to make sure we took full advantage of the Disney Photopass to capture some of the beautiful and stunning scenes that are found throughout the park. Little did I realize that THIS would be one of them.
We had stopped at the Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom park when one of the Disney photographers suggested we get a few family shots with the beautiful tree {and scenery} in the background. Of course, how could I say no?! Then he asked my two older sons, Nathan and William, to pose for him and I remember thinking, "What the heezie is he doing this for?" But now I know.
What's humorously ironic {and quite magical} about this photo is that in a way it was foretelling the future. Since we're now expecting baby #4 next spring, I'll witness my boys cradling a sweet babe {hopefully not bearing any resemblance to Simba -- although he is quite cute} in the not too distant future.
There's just something magical about those Disney photographers. They have vision and see things we can't. And then, just when you get home and think that all the surprises and magic have been revealed, you discover a sweet shot like this one. It warms my heart and just makes me long for the Disney magic even more. I can't wait till we all get to experience the magic again as a family. And I'm sure that no matter how many times we go back, those Disney magicians will always have a new rabbit to pull out of their mouse-eared hats!
{This post is part of the magic at Super Jenn's Monday’s Magical Moments.}
I love it!! We had one surprise like that with SuperGirl at Magic Kingdom.... we came home to realize that she was holding Tinkerbell :)
I also think it is soo sweet that he is holding Simba like a baby ;) Practice for the near future!
Thanks for sharing ... I LOVE looking at all of these Disney pictures!!
Posted by: SuperJenn | November 12, 2012 at 10:26 PM
Thanks, SuperJenn! I bet the Tinkerbell photo was just as cute and a fun surprise!
I LOVE looking at Disney pics too! :) Looking forward to sharing more.
Posted by: candy | November 14, 2012 at 02:05 PM