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Little just saw your pic and said "she's pretty. AND SHE HAS A BABY IN THERE! YAY!!!"

(she's also very jealous now and wants me to know it.)


Lynsey @MoscatoMom

HOW have I been on your blog a dozen times this month and I am just discovering you are pregnant?! ROFL (cant get 'nothin past me....) CONGRATS! And whew I am so glad I can live vicariously without having to go through all that myself. Love the pictures! You look fantastic. I was the size of a 2 bedroom apartment when I was pregnant...


Awww, thanks so much Julie!! I feel huge these days. LOL!

Lynsey - thanks for your kind words!! I feel like I am getting to the "2 bedroom apartment" stage already though! I haven't blogged much about this pregnancy this time around so that may be why you didn't realize it till now. :)

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