Well, I'm in the home stretch. Yep, 28 weeks has flown by, or so it seems. I have not been very good about documenting the bump or the pregnancy as much as I would have liked to, but chalk it up to staying busy with my 3 other little boys and all of their activities, I guess. I finally got my oldest, 9 year-old Nathan, to snap a few pics of me on his new iPod just the other day. We had a fun photo shoot in the living room.
Overall this has been a fairly normal pregnancy as my previous 3 have been, so I am hoping that it continues. Here's what else is going on with my cravings, symptoms, doc visits, and more:
How I'm Feeling:
The aches and pains of third trimester pregnancy are definitely in full swing right now. I've even been feeling a few Braxton-Hicks contractions -- mostly when I find myself trying to do too much. But hey, with 3 little boys to chase after I really have no choice! I am feeling lots of pressure at times when I am on my feet a lot like when at the grocery store, on errands, or just doing housework. I've also noticed my bathroom visits are increasing with this little guy punching at my bladder more and more. It’s common for pregnancy to cause the need for the best adult diapers, of course.
I'm of course feeling HA-UGE at this point, often times feeling like baby will run out of room sooner rather than later! Sleeping through the night is also a major issue now since I tend to toss and turn a lot and am having trouble staying asleep for more than 3 hours at a time. Maybe that's why I'm also feeling so dang tired all the time. Sending the kids back to school after holiday break was brutal. For the first few days, I dropped them off at school then came back home to sleep till about 10 or 10:30! I am just so exhausted lately! I am feeling lots of nice movement from the baby though which is so much fun! I've even gotten the kids to feel him kick and move a couple of times which is exciting to see them react to.
What I'm Eating:
Recently I was having insane cravings for Dole pineapple juice! I found myself buying them 2 or 3 large cans at a time! I could drink pineapple juice every minute of every day! I'm also wanting a lot of yogurt these days. To be honest, I haven't had too many outrageous cravings. The other night after dinner, though, I did send my wonderful hubs to McDonald's for an Oreo McFlurry since I was craving some sort of cookies and cream ice cream VERY badly! Thank goodness he obliged and of course got himself one too! :) I've also noticed I am having to eat smaller portions but eat more often since I can't seem to eat a full out meal 3 times a day. I tend to find myself snacking a lot more these days. I am not having any major food aversions right now, so let's hope it stays that way.
The Latest Baby Talk:
We still have not decided on a name. I am toying with the idea of just waiting for baby boy to make it into the world before deciding but hubs is not totally on board with that. My 3 year-old wants to name him "Chick-fil-a" -- no joke...he tells EVERYONE this! So, I thought maybe "Phil" is a good choice?! Who knows?! So names are big on the agenda lately. The other thing we really need to start addressing is the baby's room! Yikes! Less than 3 months and I have NO idea where we're going to put our little guy! We have a four bedroom house but one of the bedrooms is a guest room. We are either moving our oldest into the guest room and changing it over to his room, which would mean we put baby in my oldest's current room -- OR we can put baby in the guest room and change that over to baby's room. But this would mean we need to get rid of some furniture since there is currently a queen size bed, dresser, and armoire in there right now. Plus, there's lots of the kids' extra clothes and shoes being stored in that room. Either way, this all needs to be addressed SOON and will probably mean LOTS of work and organization for me. Great.
What the Doc Says:
I had an OB visit last week and had to do the dreaded glucose test which hopefully went well. They won't call with results unless there is a problem so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Doc says I am measuring right on track and everything is looking great. She did also tell me that the results of my level 2 ultrasound {which I had to have because of my advanced maternal age - GASP!} came back great and everything looks wonderful with baby. That was such a relief!
My Emotional State:
Lately I've been stressing about all that I still need to get done here at home before feeling like I can bring another sweet little life home. Lots of cleaning, organizing projects, and of course settling on a baby's room. I also have mixed feelings that I haven't bought one single new thing for this baby yet. This is my 4th boy and although he'll be just as special as the others, I can't bring myself to buy things I already have from my other 3 boys. I do plan on going this week sometime to pick out crib bedding since all of my boys each have their own special crib quilt/blanket. I will also look for a fun new outfit to bring baby home in. I also would like to get one of those designer hospital gowns so that I don't have to wear the ones the hospital provides during my stay there. I need to get on ordering that soon. My horomones are in full swing with regard to my moodiness too. I'm trying to be more aware of how I am feeling before lashing out at the kids or getting bent out of shape at any little thing, but hey, it still happens every now and then. Thankfully my family is able to be understanding about it most of the time.
Here are some of the other shots captured by my son during our recent photo shoot of sorts. I think he did a pretty good job and is quite amazing at this photography thing.
Little just saw your pic and said "she's pretty. AND SHE HAS A BABY IN THERE! YAY!!!"
(she's also very jealous now and wants me to know it.)
Posted by: JulieMPron | January 15, 2013 at 04:39 PM
HOW have I been on your blog a dozen times this month and I am just discovering you are pregnant?! ROFL (cant get 'nothin past me....) CONGRATS! And whew I am so glad I can live vicariously without having to go through all that myself. Love the pictures! You look fantastic. I was the size of a 2 bedroom apartment when I was pregnant...
Posted by: Lynsey @MoscatoMom | January 25, 2013 at 09:21 PM
Awww, thanks so much Julie!! I feel huge these days. LOL!
Lynsey - thanks for your kind words!! I feel like I am getting to the "2 bedroom apartment" stage already though! I haven't blogged much about this pregnancy this time around so that may be why you didn't realize it till now. :)
Posted by: candy | January 26, 2013 at 07:46 PM