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Having my 3 boys made me stronger

Jessie C

Traveled and lived in different countries has made me 2x stronger.

Lisa Brown

Chronic tendonitis in the knees made me stronger


Moving to a different country made me stronger

D Schmidt

Moving here from a different country halfway across the world with a newborn baby and ill Husband made me 2X stronger

Laurajj Jacobson

I guess for me its been my two back surgeries. They didnt turn out quite the way they were supposed to, and will need one more. It has made me stronger …mentally! Weaker physically…but a much stronger person!


Being the mother of a special needs child has made me stronger.

Jennifer Marie

seeing my son go through eye surgery at 10 months old

Austin Baroudi

Having a daughter at 19.

Erica Best

when i dad die i had to be there for me and my mom

michelle pickett

I was a teen mom, and although I am older now it has still made me a stronger person :)

Tabathia B

almost dying after giving birth

Livivua Chandler

i think loosing my mom to homicide has me stronger to with stand life challenges and ups and downs

Cynthia R

getting a divorce made me stronger

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