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Cassandra Eastman

I use lotion on their skin and bundle them up in a fleece one zip up bodysuit!


I use lots of moisturizing lotion.

cheidy moya

I use moisturizer lotion and sunscreen protector.

Jessica Padilla

I use lotion and cover him up.

Josephine Valenzuela

I like Dreft products are great.


Lots of organic baby lotion!

Jessica Beard

I bundle my two sons up in layers when they are in the carseat. When they aren't in the carseat, they wear snowsuits, hats, gloves, and boots. I try to keep their faces from getting too much wind.


Thank you for these incredible products.


I use moisturizer and swaddles!

Diana Stanhope

I use extra blankets to layer.

Paula Caudill

I use extra moisturizer on baby's skin, vaseline for the chapping and extra layers of warm clothes. Thank you so much, for this great giveaway!


I use moisturizer lotion

Melissa Teears

I use a lot of lotion.

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