Disclosure: This post was sponsored by domain .ME; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Being 8 months pregnant with baby #5 on the way, I've never been more aware of needing a "ME Day", than I am right at this moMEnt. Moms are busy peeps, my friends. Each morning I wake up and hit the ground running, my mind starts to racing when I think about all that needs to be done that day to keep my family and me functioning. It's more than overwhelming at times. Between after school activities during the week and my kids' games and events on the weekend, scheduling "ME" time is nearly impossible within the realm of our regular routine. But now, more than ever, I feel that need to just take some time for myself. I've found that when I take time to do just that, lots of good things start to happen:
- I often return to our normal hectic life more focused and rejuvenated for the things that need to get done.
- I am a more patient wife and mother. The way I talk to my kids is always more positive, even-keeled, and mild mannered.
- I start to feel a better sense of self-worth and confidence because I've been engaged in doing the things that I truly love doing for ME.
- I've been away from the chaos long enough to miss it. This makes me appreciate our hectic go-go-go schedule even more.
Celebrate International ME Day
“ME Day,” created by domain .ME, is March 16th, 2015. This day is designed to promote awareness of self-appreciations and importance of taking care of ourselves. I think we all owe it ourselves to focus on our own individual needs from time to time.
Domain .ME wants to celebrate unique aspects of our personalities, encourage us to embrace our achieveMEnts as well as our imperfections, and increase awareness of how important it is to practice self-appreciation and take care of ourselves if we want to be able to take care of others. This is so true, especially of Moms. It is an ambitious goal, but domain .ME believes that we all deserve a ME Day where we can be free to “just be ME.”
So for this upcoming ME Day, I'm inviting and encouraging all of you to join ME for a day of celebrating yourself - you do what relaxes you and allows you to embrace yourself and your achieveMEnts. If you're a mom, take some special "moMEnts for mom" that maybe you ordinarily don't get to do for yourself. I promise you after you do something just a little nice for yourself, you will return to your motherhood duties full of energy and ready to tackle whatever the kids/house/work/life throws at you.
What are some ways you will celebrate ME Day this month? I'd love to hear some of your great ideas in the comments below!
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