I hope your Thanksgiving weekend plans include heading out to see The Good Dinosaur movie, Disney's newest gem! I know my kids cannot wait to check out this newest flick. And who can blame them? Have you seen The Good Dinosaur movie trailer?
The kids will love these great Good Dinosaur movie activity printables, too. I've got them linked below, along with a sneak peek of each.
Disney's The Good Dinosaur Make Your Own Dino-Rama printable
Disney's The Good Dinosaur Printable Dino Adventure Game
Disney's The Good Dinosaur Printable Adventure Maze
Don't forget to get out and see The Good Dinosaur on November 25th! You can also catch up with all The Good Dinosaur fun by visiting:
The Good Dinosaur on Instagram
The Good Dinosaur on Pinterest
and of course, the official The Good Dinosaur movie webpage.