Emergencies always seem to happen when we least expect them. They always take us by surprise and there is hardly anything you can do to prepare for them. After all, they wouldn’t be called “emergencies” if you were expecting them and were well prepared to deal with them!
There are a few things that you can do, though, which can put you in a better position in the event that you are ever faced with an emergency in the home. For instance, it’s worth saving some important phone numbers into your phone book. It doesn’t matter whether they are saved to your mobile’s phone book or written into a traditional phone book - as long as you have them saved somewhere in the home, that is all that matters. Here are the ones you need.
Your Family Doctor
It’s a really good idea to have your family doctor’s phone number somewhere accessible if you have young children in your family. Whenever you have to deal with a medical emergency, it can be all too easy to panic, and you might not have enough time to try and find your doctor’s number online or in the public phone book. So, this is certainly one to save! If the situation is quite bad, you should call for an ambulance and paramedics before the doctor. But it’s still a good idea to give your doctor a call as he will have all of your family’s medical records and should be able to quickly access them.
A Plumber
Plumbing emergencies can be quite scary, especially if there is a lot of water spurting or leaking all over your property! So, it is always advisable to find a reputable plumber, such as Maplewood Plumbing and add it to your phone book. Then, if something were to go wrong with your plumbing, you can give them a quick call and see if they can come over to check things out. Most plumbers will offer an emergency service for those times when you need something fixing as soon as possible!
An Electrician
Similarly, it’s necessary to include an electrician's number in your book as well. Just like most plumbers, electricians will always be able to come out without too much notice to take care of any emergency situations with your electrics. Remember that electricity can be very dangerous when in the wrong hands, so it’s always better to get a professional to take care of things rather than trying to fix any electrical issues yourself.
Your Insurance Providers
List all of your insurance providers in your phone book as well so that you can quickly call them if you ever need to make a claim. It’s always best to get your claim in sooner rather than later so that you can speed up the whole process and get any compensation as soon as you can.
Once you have all of the above numbers saved in your phone book, you will be able to enjoy some peace of mind. You are now better equipped to deal with a household emergency!