Pregnancy is one of the longest times in a woman's life, and yet it seems to speed past at the same time. One minute, you're staring at a plus sign on a stick, and the next, you're counting down the days to your due date and purchasing a ball to bounce on so you can get more comfortable.
With pregnancy almost coming to an end, you need to be clued up on what to look for when it comes to labor signs; especially if it's your first baby. Every single woman has a different experience of what labor is for each baby she has. Woman to woman, the signs are never the same, and they never happen in the timeframe you expect them to happen. With second babies and beyond, women tend to recognize the signs and are prepared with apps such as Bloomlife can help you time your contractions as they happen. There are changes in your body that can help you to learn what labor is, when it's starting and when to know it's time to call for help and head to the hospital. Let's take a look at some of the signs you need to be looking out for!
Early Labour
- Persistent back pain that comes in waves along with a feeling as if your period is on the way is widespread. The wrap around 'band' of pain that is commonly felt while pre-menstrual is a standard indicator of labor being imminent.
- Contractions often start like mild period pains, too, and tightenings around your bump need to be timed to see how frequent they are. Stop and start pains should be monitored closely.
- Waters breaking is the one sign pregnant women wait for, and it can happen in a comical gush or a slow trickle. If you're feeling a trickle and you're unsure if it's your waters, pop on a pad and wait to see if it fills while you call your labor ward at the hospital.
- Sometimes, labor can be squeamish for women. If you haven't read about it in the book, you will possibly see a bloody show before you go into full labor. This is the plug that has been blocking your cervix since day one, and it comes out right before you start to go into labor very soon.
- Are you stuck on the toilet? Unfortunately, not every sign of labor is a good one. Loose stools are never pleasant to deal with, but it's a sign your body is 'clearing out' to get ready for birth.
- You may well be expecting not to sleep when you have a newborn in the house, but a disruption in your sleep may happen to prepare you for the big event. It's not a significant symptom of pre-labor, but it's something you can say means you are getting closer!
Understanding your body before labor kicks up a notch is so important so that you can call the right people at the right time. Best of luck; you're about to be a mother!