Irritable Bowel Syndrome is something which is common in many people, and it is a digestive issue which can often cause a lot of pain and discomfort to the person who suffers. This is often caused by an intolerance of certain foods, often known as FODMAP foods which include highly irritable ingredients like broccoli, garlic and onion.
But how do you know if you have IBS or you just have a stomach bug? Well, here are some of the top signs and symptoms to look out for and how you can modify your diet and routine to help cope with IBS.
- Pain and cramps
The most common symptom which someone with IBS can suffer with is pain in the lower abdomen. Any digestive doctor will initially ask you if you have pain in your stomach or bowels and this is an indication that a certain food is messing with your ability to digest. Cramps and sharp stabbing pains and very common and if you get these often after eating this could be a sign of IBS.
- Gas
Unfortunately in the health world, the reality of suffering with a disease or illness often isn’t glamorous. If you have noticed that you are passing much more gas than you used to, this can be a sign that you are suffering with a bigger issue. When there is a struggle in your digestive system, there is usually a chemical reaction which occurs and causes the accumulation of gases like methane. If you have noticed a sharp increase in this, it could be a sign that you need to change your diet.
- Bloating
As well as pain and gas, bloating is a common symptom of IBS because as your body produces gas and feels pain, it will swell around the pain as well as the gas. This can be something which affects you for hours after eating a meal and it can cause some real discomfort and pain. If you notice this happening frequently you should definitely take a trip to the doctors.
- Diarrhea
Diarrhea is unfortunately a big symptom when it comes to IBS because the inability to digest foods in the right way can cause a build up of liquid in the bowels which will make stools looser. If you notice that you are suffering from this, make sure to see a doctor or try eating some low FODMAP foods for a while to help level out your bowels.
- Fatigue
Another symptom which is common for IBS sufferers is fatigue. Your body ends up spending so much energy on digesting difficult foods that it struggles to perform other tasks. You will likely find that you are over tired and have no energy after eating a big meal and this can be a sign of bigger issues.
IBS can be a horrible issue to suffer with, so make sure to read the signs early, keep a food diary to see which foods trigger you, and maintain a diet which does not cause these issues.