The holiday season is quickly appearing on the horizon. While you might usually stay at home for a big family Christmas, this year you might be tempted to take a trip to a mountain lodge for a full on snow filled festive season. Or you might prefer to shun the cold snap and head overseas for a sun filled beach laden Christmas. Whatever it is you want to do with your offspring, the chances are that it will take a bit of organizing. Heading away from home for the festive season with little people can be stressful. Read on to discover how you can have the best happy festive holiday with your brood.
Plan, Plan And Plan!
Forget about leaving it two weeks before the big day to book your lodge in Aspen, Whistler or Montana. You will be left with the worst properties and you will have to pay a small fortune to secure it. Instead start looking at reputable review sites like TripAdvisor and make a list of a dozen or so potential properties. Try to be flexible and ensure that the lodge you book has the number of bedrooms that you need and isn’t so far out in the sticks that you have no cell phone reception.
Plan which car you will take. While you quite fancy driving your own, a hire vehicle complete with 4 x 4 functionality and wheel chains might be more appropriate and safer. Get this booked early; otherwise you could find yourself taking your small hatchback instead.
If you are heading overseas, check out any visa requirements that you might need and ensure that you pack for the correct climate. Just because it’s chilly in the midwest doesn’t mean that it’s going to be cold on any of the idyllic islands in the Mediterranean. Pack well and ensure that you take a family first aid kit. This doesn’t have to be vast and take up a lot of space but you should have insect bite cream just in case the mosquitos take a shine to one of your little darlings, band aids, water purifying sachets and a few painkillers. Doing this means that, should the worst occur, you are prepared.
It doesn’t matter where you are heading to for Christmas, you need to make sure the food for the festive lunch is sorted. Perhaps you are dining out for the day, or maybe you need to investigate the local supermarkets and farm shops to reserve your goose or turkey. Some places offer a delivery service, especially if you don’t know the area too well. It’s a great idea to take some grub with you if you are heading out on a road trip just in case you get delayed on route. Think about the dietary requirements of your entire party, and always make a list. Make two even, just in case one goes missing!
Having a festive holiday away from home can be an exciting adventure. Follow this guide to ensure that you have some festive fun with your brood.