While it would be lovely not to have to deal with health problems, they are just a part of life. But there are different types and severities of health issues that you’ll experience either personally or vicariously throughout your life.
From the smallest coughs, colds, or painful teeth to more significant health issues including hearing loss, cancer, and dementia, it’s important to recognize when the symptoms for these start to occur. While you might not be able to stop them, you can at least find the correct treatment before they get worse.
The Body
For most people, the body is the first thing to start breaking down as you get older. While it’s a gradual change, it’s only one day you realize you’re not as agile as you once were.
This could be due to a few reasons. You’re not doing as much exercise as you once were, old injuries are catching up with you, or it could be a sign of arthritis.
You can overcome these problems by seeking alternative ways to stay active. If you’re unable to run as you once did, then try walking or using elliptical machines at the gym. For bad joints, water therapy has proven useful, as it relieves the pressure on the muscles and joints and allows you to move more freely.
The Mind
Issues with the mind can manifest in several ways. There are problems such as Alzheimer’s and dementia that can affect older relatives, but there are also mental health issues you should be aware of that can affect anybody, no matter how old they are.
Degenerative problems can be easy to spot in others, but not necessarily yourself, so try to stay aware of instances where you forget something, and keep notes on how often this is, especially if you’re getting older.
As for mental health problems, they can appear in several different ways, and not all issues look the same. Look out for mood swings, drops in contact, or personality changes. It could be nothing serious, but asking others if they are okay could be the key the need to open up.
The Senses
While hearing and sight loss is most associated with the elderly, sense issues can affect anybody at any time. Hearing problems can come from attending too many gigs and standing right next to the speaker to even listening to music too loud on your headphones. In contrast, sight problems can arise from concussions or untreated vision problems from your youth.
Losing these two senses is something that nobody wants. However, it’s easy to recognize the signs early. If you notice your hearing is muffled or people have asked why you are shouting a lot more, then booking a hearing screening can reveal whether your hearing is failing. Likewise, book yourself in for an eye test regularly (once every two years) to catch vision issues before they get worse.
Healthy and Happy
Experiencing health issues of all kinds is something you will have to face at some point during your life. While it can be worrying and confusing to confront, especially if it’s unexpected and out of the blue, knowing how to combat these issues can help you and your loved ones continue to live a healthy and happy life.