It’s not that we live in a society that despises age, but we all try hard to maintain our youthful look for longer. There’s something unpleasant about appearing old as if it could make you irrelevant to society. As a result, it’s fair to say that most women, as soon as they are in their 30s, develop an age-defying skincare routine. From moisturizers to potent serums to dietary supplements like Dermal Repair Complex, we are not afraid to look for the best ingredients to preserve our appearance. However, did you know that your skincare routine can only help you so much? Indeed, you need to make your lifestyle your primary concern if you want to stop the aging process – or at least pause it for a little while. These are the top 4 things you need to change to look youthful without invasive surgery:
Stress less
The more you’re stressed, the more it shows on your face. Stress can increase fine lines around your eyes and your forehead. It directly affects your collagen production. More importantly, stressful jobs also affect your sleep, which means you can find it hard to relax after a long day at work. On the other hand, people who have embraced flexible working options, and have established themselves in a cozy home office are less likely to suffer from high-stress levels. Indeed, because home-based workers can control their work schedules and reduce commuting pressure, they are more likely to look fresh and rested in the morning.
Looking after your teeth
It might sound surprising, but healthy teeth enhance your youthful appearance. Teeth whitening can visibly take years off your face with no further cosmetic work. Additionally, tooth loss can affect your appearance as your cheek can sink where you’re missing a tooth. It’s a good idea to look for dental implants – you can get in touch with specialists such as Sleep Dentistry Defined implant to discuss the best solutions for your needs. Finally, straightening your teeth will also make your smile look youthful.
Eats your greens
Everybody is familiar with the benefits of vegetables and fruits on your immune system. What you may not realize, though, is that your greens are filled with antioxidants, which help your skin stay fresh and clear.Vegetables with a high vitamin C content such as leafy greens and broccoli keep your skin smooth and firm for longer. Avocados, which are naturally rich in healthy fat, can also protect your skin from sun damage, which adds years to your face.
When was the last time you changed your style?
Finding a style that works for you matters. However, you need to realize that your style should evolve regularly. Wearing the same looks for years can virtually make you appear older than you are. Instead, creating a playful and stylish outfit can trick anybody into thinking that you’re younger. And who doesn’t want that double-take on your passport DOB? Patterns are the easiest and most playful way of giving yourself a youthful look. Bright and curved patterns are always a winner! But even without patterns, bright colors make you look less conservative, and therefore younger.
Can you turn the clock on the aging process? The answer is yes. With some smart tricks, you can blur out the lines and let everybody thinks you’re far too young to have kids that age!