Have you made a New Year's resolution this year? With an estimated 60% of people thought to make resolutions to ring in the new year, you are not alone when it comes to wanting to make changes to your life. But really, you don't have to wait until the start of a new year to look at making changes to your life. Why not start instantly regardless of the time of year and commit yourself to make new changes today? What are you waiting for?
Are you stuck for ideas on what you can do to make changes? Then check out these ideas for different ways to make positive changes to your life at any time of the year!
Go Back to School!
Well, enter into further education. If you are feeling uninspired with your life and a little bit restless, why not look at embarking on a new career. These days, you can study many courses online, meaning you can learn around your lifestyle, learning as and when you can.
And don't go thinking that you can't apply skills you already have to a new career. In fact, choosing to follow a new career path later in life means you have gotten out of the way all the things you don't want to do and are more likely to know where your future lies.
So if you have a passion for computers and can apply your knowledge to a more cyber-based career, look at the University of Alabama Birmingham for ideas of courses available in the cybersecurity sector. If you love hitting the gym, then maybe retraining as a personal trainer is for you!
How do you know what course to look for and if you will be able to fit it around your life?
- What are your passions?
- Do you enjoy your current profession?
- Do you have time to fit in a couple of hours learning a week?
- Can the course you want to take fit in around your life?
- Can you commit at least the next year studying to reach your goal?
If you are feeling like something is missing and you want to add something to your life, then look at volunteering in your local community or for a charitable organization.
Aside from being rewarding, you can pick up valuable life skills as you assist others who need assistance. There are so many different areas you can volunteer in - you can be a candy striper at your local hospital, help out at a soup kitchen or assist elderly people with day to day activities to help them keep their independence while getting support when they need it, e.g., meals on wheels.
There is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from volunteering your time and skills in many different ways. While this route isn't for everyone, you may find it is right up your street and can fill a space you have in your life.
Focus on You!
Do you spend a lot of time focussing your time and energy on other people? Your family will always come first. But hen you factor in a job and other commitments, and pretty soon it can feel like you have neglected yourself as you take care of everyone and everything else. So why not look at focussing on how you feel and take time out of your life to rejuvenate yourself and find a better balance.
Being stretched too thin can mean you start to feel run down. This can affect every aspect of your life, and if things are seeming bleak or you are feeling out of sorts, then making a commitment to focus on your mental and physical well being could be the first step to helping you make changes in your life and find your spark again.
- Practise self-care
- Take up meditation and mindfulness
- Start working out
- Change your diet - start eating better
- Drink more water
- Try to get outside more
- Take the time just to stop and relax
Change Your Mindset
A lot of how we feel about our life is in our heads. We perceive our lives to be a certain way and associate this as negative. Did you know the way you think about certain aspects of your life can affect how you feel about to the point where you have convinced yourself that there is something wrong even if there isn't? Negative thoughts will attract negativity. But by using the law of attraction, you can make changes simply by changing your mindset and outlook on things.
Have you ever wondered why certain people seem to be luckier than others? This is a lot to do with having a positive outlook on life and this attracting the kind of positive energy you are seeing.
So instead of always seeing the bad, why not try to see the good too. Practice positive thinking to help you attract good luck and see what happens.
Journaling is a great way to help you do this. Writing down how you feel in yourself or about certain things can help you process your feeling better. Seeing things written down can give you a different perspective and help you come up with a different way of thinking. Think about what you want to attract in your life, and by slowly changing your negative thoughts to positive ones, you will start to noise changes.
Set Goals and Stick to Them!
So you want things to change but don't know how? Neglecting to take action to make the changes can be part of the issue. If you don't push forward to make the changes, nothing will change.
So grab a planner and write down exactly what changes you want to make and how you can achieve them. It may be something, such as getting into a better financial position. This will take work and dedication to pay off debts, create a savings account, finally be able to research moving companies and live in your dream home, or simply overhaul your living expenses. Writing down what you need to do and how you are going to do it can help you visualize the change and give you something physical to follow.
The same applies if you are looking to change your diet. Charting what you are eating can help you find out where you need to change your diet. By planning ahead and writing down a shopping list, meal prepping, or simply knowing the best places to eat, so you keep away from habits, you can implement the changes you want to make and confirm this by following your progress day by day.