With the economic situation as it is, households are increasingly having to supplement their income with two (or more) incomes. Working as a full-time parent is difficult, even when income is not an issue. Making the transition from full-time parent to working a part-time or full-time job can be very daunting indeed. Mommy guilt is very common among parents who have to go to work, especially parents of young people. It is hard to leave your young brood in the care of others. Still, the reality is that you may have to make this tough decision to continue progressing in your professional life, but also to provide for your family, and prepare for their future.
Before you return to work, you will have to do considerable research and preparation, particularly when you have taken an extended career break. Getting hired after a long career break can be tough. Still, employers are accustomed to seeing people with gaps in their curriculum, from traveling, family reasons, or a return to education. Plenty of people take a career break of six months or more, with numbers going up among first-time mothers. You may feel anxious about going back to work, and you are not alone in this. Concerns may include not feeling as qualified as before, or the fear that you will struggle to keep up with your colleagues.
Just remember, then, that a break can provide you with a lot of benefits that can make you as employable as you were before, if not even more so. If you feel like it would be beneficial for you to upskill before you go straight into applying for jobs, then taking an online course is a good option. Online courses and degree programs will provide you with a qualification in a way that can work around your busy routine. Online degrees can equip you with the high-level knowledge and skills you need to achieve your career goals.
New career path
It is very common to have a change in heart after having children, and you may find yourself wanting to change career paths and do something that is more rewarding than your previous role. If you are a nurturing individual, you may decide that you want to go down a career path that allows you to care for others, perhaps within the medical profession. Moving into a new field of study can be difficult at the best of times, but when you are a parent, it can be a struggle to do so. Online degree programs are great for those wanting to get a degree but need a flexible way to do so. Undertaking nursing lessons as part of an online degree will allow you to care for your family and or work while adding to your educational profile.
Be confident
Whether your career break is six months or several years, remember to sell your value in an interview situation. Confidence and knowledge of your worth will be fundamental when it comes to even begin the process of getting back into work after kids.