Do you ever find that your kid's toys completely take over your home? Do they seem to get absolutely everywhere? Spreading out of their homes and into every room in your house? While the kids are playing, you might be ok with this. It's nice to give them space and freedom to play, and a little mess won't hurt.
But, you might not want your house to look like a child's play center when they are in bed or at school. Toys everywhere can be messy and untidy. They might become dangerous tripping hazards, and dust and dirt might hide underneath them. Worse, your children's favorite toys could become broken, damaged, or lost, causing absolute heartbreak.
Keeping toys tidy helps your home to look its best, but it also helps you to teach your children good habits. Here are some tips to help you to keep things tidy.
Invest in Handy Storage
If you want to keep your toys tidy, easy storage is a must. In the lounge, a unit with a rectangle basket made by hand, and an easy handle is ideal for kids. They'll be able to pull out the basket and keep things tidy themselves, as well as getting their toys out on their own when they want them. Baskets can also look great and fit in well with your decor. You might also want to add shelving and toy boxes to their bedrooms. Whatever storage you decide on, make sure there's plenty of it, with room for larger toys, and that it is easy to access.
Get into a Routine
Routines are the best ways to manage life as a busy family. It's certainly the best way to keep your home clean and tidy without getting stressed out about it. When your kids are young, get into the habit of having a quick tidy while they are napping, and spending ten minutes tidying once they've gone to bed. Add bigger chores to a weekly rota to keep on top of things.
Get the Kids to Help
You should try to get the kids helping out as soon as they are able. Start creating good habits, and they might even have tidy rooms when they are teenagers. Even very young children can help you to put a few toys in a basket, you might just need to encourage them a little. As they start to get older, give them more responsibility, but make sure you are around to help if they need it.
Have Regular Clear Outs
Every few months, spend some time going through toys, throwing away anything that is broken beyond repair, and making a pile to donate to your local charity shop. Try not to let old, unwanted toys build up.
Toy Rotation
Do you find that even though your children have got millions of toys, they only ever play with the same few? Toy rotation can help here. Keep a few within easy reach, and pack some away. Then, very few months, rotate them. Your kids will feel as though they've got something new, and you'll have a tidier house.