While we are all aware of the rewards that being a parent brings, sometimes we can feel that we are doing things for the benefit of everybody else apart from us. And this can mean that your confidence in aspects of your life that you were once an expert in can deteriorate over time. As such, when our children have got to a certain age we may feel at a loss. But rather than sitting there worrying about the children it's better to be proactive and take the bull by the horns. This means that you have got to re-discover your purpose. When you've been a parent for so long it's easier said than done but what are some of the options?
Going Back To School
As we find our skillset diminishing we could very easily go back to education. The great thing these days is that you don't need to go to college. You can very easily get an MBA online. There are so many qualifications that you can achieve exclusively online that you don't necessarily have to leave the house again! And it's a good idea, just before your children get to the age where they don't need you anymore, to start playing the field and figuring out what you would like to study. You could do it for recreational purposes or you could easily pick a new career path and acquire the relevant qualifications.
Focus On Your Happiness
What makes you happy? Is it about having the opportunity to develop your skills or is it something simpler? The great thing about having children fly the nest or become more self-sufficient is that we've got more time. This means that we can start to re-discover the things that we used to love. It could be a hobby like painting or it could very well be getting back into exercise. For many, exercise gives them that purpose in life and all you need to do is find a local class that you can fit around your lifestyle. The things that make you happy can be incredibly simple. And when you've been dedicating your life to other people for so long this is when you've got to reclaim something that is just for you.
Start To Help Others
As a parent, you have got a very unique skill set. You've spent so long looking after these people that need you for everything that once they’ve grown up, your skills could feel like they’ve gone to waste. But you can start to channel the skills for the benefit of others. Perhaps you could work in a local charity store or start to work with children. Once you start to help others it's not just about making the most of your natural parenting skills but it can make you feel that you've got more to give.
Being a parent for so long can mean that your needs go by the wayside somewhat, and this means that you've got to take the opportunity to get that purpose back. It doesn't have to be a long journey. If you focus on these three areas it can point you in a completely new direction.
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