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Keeping your baby safe will be one of your very top priorities as a new parent, and so taking them out into the car can be really quite daunting and worrying. However, there are some things you can do to minimise risk and put your mind at ease as much as possible.
Choose a safe vehicle
First things first, choosing a vehicle that has been shown to perform well in crash tests and also ticks all of your other boxes (such as being the right size, good on fuel and anything else you need) is a good idea. When you find out you’re expecting a baby, you might need to change the car you currently drive, as what’s important to you when you have a child will probably be different to when you first bought your car. Chances are it will be less about looks or speed and more about safety and saving money.
Get the car seat right
The law regarding car seats has changed massively in recent decades. Chances are when you were a child yourself, you didn’t have any kind of car seat- your parents car might not have even had seatbelts in the back! These days, thankfully child and car safety is taken much more seriously. It’s the law to have a child car seat in the back which is the right size for your child’s age and weight. Spend some time looking into different models and see which suit you.
Avoid busier times of day and roads where possible
It’s not always possible, but where you can, avoid busier times of day and busy areas. The more traffic on the road, the more likely accidents are to happen- people get impatient and take chances and do things they shouldn’t. Try to plan your routes and times around the busiest times of day such as rush hour. If you are involved in an incident, be sure to speak to an injury lawyer to get the compensation you’re entitled to.
Drive confidently yet carefully
Driving with a baby in the back can be nerve wracking, you’ll probably be more on edge than you normally would be which can actually cause you to drive worse. It can cause you to hesitate or make silly mistakes. Drive calmly and confidently, drive the way you were taught and don’t take risks but don't hesitate unnecessarily either. Try not to focus on your child being in the back and drive in the confident and careful way you would any other time. As time goes on you’ll get more and more used to this, but it can be daunting at first.
What tips do you have for first time parents who are worried about taking their baby out in the car?