It's something that we all worry about. When you're doing your best to raise a healthy family, you can reinforce the idea of the pillars of health for your children, such as healthy eating and exercise. But there comes a point where we all start to hit the point of decline. It can be something simple such as forgetting where we put our keys or it could be about feeling that we aren't immortal. There are those times when you begin to feel your age. And the big problem that most of us feel that when come to at this point is that there is literally nothing we can do about it. Instead, it's better for us to spot the signs of decline and fix them before it gets too late.
A Decrease In Eyesight And Hearing
As we get older we may need glasses to see things better or we may struggle to hear people. When we think about getting older it's these aspects that tend to crop up first. If we start to worry about these things, we can go and get a hearing test or eye test. And you may think that the hearing test effectiveness may throw up normal results when you are younger but it's a good idea even if you are in your 30s or 40s to check your hearing just to make sure that you are operating at 100% capacity. If you use headphones or go to loud concerts on occasion these things can start to chip away at your hearing. And the same thing goes with your eyesight if you stare at a computer screen for hours on end, watch a lot of television, or idly scroll through your phone, getting an eye test is a simple way for you to keep on top of the state of your eyes.
Feeling Unwell More Often
As we get older we can be more prone to infection. And if you are someone who gets a cold more often than you used to or you feel that getting out of bed is a bit more of a struggle you've got to focus on your diet. Many people go to the doctor as the first port of call and this means that they get put on medication that could work for a certain ailment but has numerous side effects and can result in other sorts of illnesses. It's something we have to address as soon as we start to feel any signs of decline. If we get unwell and we have colds or the flu we have to focus on our diet. If you have a bad diet that consists of processed foods or sugar, starting to reduce your consumption of these will benefit your immune system. If you feel unwell, finding the right foods that don't cause a reaction is crucial. People are now allergic to gluten or dairy, but it's also important to really pay attention to specific foods that you may think are healthy like vegetables and if they cause a reaction. A very good example of a vegetable that can have an unsavory reaction is the nightshade family. And we have to remember our body becomes inflamed as a defense mechanism. Try an elimination diet or eat just a handful of foods that you know you can tolerate and see how much better you feel physically and mentally.
A Decrease In Strength
This is one of the things that we think is part of getting older. But when we begin to feel weaker or our joints click more often we have to remember there is something that we can do about this. When we lose strength as we get older this is partly due to our bones extracting more calcium. This is why the likelihood of osteoporosis increases as we get older. Focusing on your bone health through increased Omega-3 fatty acids, a healthier diet, as well as strength training can offset this ailment. Because many people feel that going out for a run is being healthy if they are undertaking too much of the wrong activities, this can cause damage to their knees and hips. Focusing on strength training helps to improve your bone strength and density. The great thing is that this is something we can all do at home. Focusing on bodyweight training and exercise protocols like Body By Science works to increase your bone and joint strength so you can feel better in yourself.
If we focused on these three areas we would see a massive difference in the quality of our lives. Getting older shouldn't mean getting weaker.
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