As parents, we always want what’s best for our little one and are always happy to take the time to incest in opportunities that will help them to thrive later on in life. But what more can we be doing to make sure that they develop their own ambitions? Whether your child wants to become a multi-platinum award winning musician, a skilled and resourceful criminal defense attorney, or their eyes are set on being the world’s best parent, there are many things that parents can do to help their children to set their own goals in life.
Here are some of the things you can do as their caregiver that will help them to become everything they have the potential to be in the future.
Know Thyself
A defining characteristic of an ambitious person is the unwavering sense of self that they possess. As their caregiver, it can be tempting to plant ideas into our littles ones' heads as to what we wish for them for their future careers. However, with the growth and development of technology in the world around us, many jobs that are around now will look wildly different when it comes to the time that your child will be looking for work- they may even cease to exist within the next few years. Therefore it is important to encourage a child’s unique skills and passions and encourage them to pursue those with their whole hearts. Passion fuels ambition and it is the job of a caregiver to make these possible.
Help them to recognize their achievements
You’re never too young to start compiling a resume! They are an excellent way of recording and demonstrating your own achievements to potential employers in the future, so why shouldn’t your child do the same? Any new milestone achieved, cool thing learned, place they went to should be noted down to help your child to look back and see how much they have progressed over time. Get them to talk to you about their achievements and goals for the future. This will help them to stand out as people confident in their abilities.
Teach Them to Fail
‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again’. Having high aspirations may mean failing occasionally, and it's incredibly important that children learn that from early on. Teach them that failing isn’t always a bad thing- in fact, failing is a good thing to experience so that they have greater opportunities to learn in the process. Having a resilient attitude will encourage growth and determination for their future pursuits.
Show, don’t tell
From a young age, our children are sponges of information and of learned behaviours, primarily from their parents. If your child sees you aiming high and working hard, they are likely to want to do the same. On the contrary, if you’re a couch potato in front of your kid, they’re unlikely to have that much ambition. Above all else, teach your child about kindness and compassion being the best characters they can be.