Did you hear the news? Deanna Rose Farmstead is opening back up on May 4, 2021!
I can hardly wait! KC kids of all ages are super fans of this super fun family favorite in Overland Park. From the goat feedings, rock mining, to the ice cream scoops, and fun play areas - I can't think of a single kid who isn't read to have some fun at Deanna Rose this spring and summer!
Here's what's on my must-bring list whenever we visit the Farmstead:
- Hand sanitizer or antibacterial hand wipes - yes, the Farmstead has handwashing stations throughout the park, but sometimes it's easier to have some back up.
- Several quarters - your kiddos will want to feed the goats, ducks, and other animals. The coins will come in handy for the small vending style machines that are available for you to purchase animal pellets and food from. Do NOT bring your own food to feed the animals, please!
- Small snack sized baggies that are empty - this genius parenting hack was something I discovered years ago. It's the easiest way to divvy up all that goat feed so that each kids has their own little baggie to use to grab pellets from to feed the animals. It also ensures no pellets will be dropped on the ground as the kids are moving around trying to find a hungry goat.
- Cash or credit cards - for buying ice cream or other treats from the fun general store!
- Comfy shoes - yes, sometimes I'm known to flip-flop it there, but for the most part, my tennis shoes win the occasion. Make sure your kids have closed toed shoes for maximum playtime pleasure.
- A picnic blanket or throw - there are lots of open areas you can stop to take a rest at. A picnic blanket is the perfect tool to help you do so.
It's finally starting to warm up here and I am so excited a trip to the Farmstead is on the horizon! See you there!