Hello, 2014! I'm excited to introduce my Keeping It Real and Random series here on the blog. Read more →
Hello, 2014! I'm excited to introduce my Keeping It Real and Random series here on the blog. Read more →
It's unreal to me that Andrew is already 7 months old. Recently I've been getting lots of "oh, wow, your little girl is SO cute" comments when I'm out. Despite the fact that he's wearing shirts that say things like "Best Little Brother", it amazes me how people still think he is a SHE. I mean seriously people. If I... Read more →
in hubs, kids, motherhood + parenting | Permalink | Comments (1)
So last week was the first official start to the summer. It was the kids' first full week of being out of school and I had grand plans for us. And then my boobage got in the way. Last Saturday we all had an amazing time at a local family festival that we go to every year. We had a... Read more →
Things have gotten a little bit hairy around these parts. And by "hairy" I don't mean the usual kinda "crazy" that you would think. Ok, well, scratch that --things have been kinda crazy. But what I actually mean is that a little hairy creature has wreaked havoc on our home recently. Just take a look for yourself: THAT, my friends,... Read more →
in hubs, my life | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wow. What a whirlwind of a few weeks it's been! My sweet baby Andrew finally made his appearance 3 weeks ago on Sunday April 7, 2013. He weighed a whopping 9 pounds even and was 21.5 inches long. My biggest baby by far! It's been an interesting 3 weeks adjusting to our new little family member and a whole new... Read more →
Well, I'm in the home stretch. Yep, 28 weeks has flown by, or so it seems. I have not been very good about documenting the bump or the pregnancy as much as I would have liked to, but chalk it up to staying busy with my 3 other little boys and all of their activities, I guess. I finally got... Read more →
in Family, family + friends, hubs, kids, my life, pregnancy | Permalink | Comments (3)
We were eating cake! Happy Anniversary to my husband! We're pretty proud of a LOT of things, one of which being that a decade later, we are still featured on the Grand Wailea weddings photo gallery here. Yes, that's us pictured on our wedding day with the gorgeous Maui sunset in the background! Read more →
Hubs just emailed me this pic from his new iPhone 4. Now, I'm NOT an Apple girl. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sony products and think I would by Sony flavored gum if they actually made it! But, I AM loving all the different things about my husband's iPhone. I guess I am flirting with the idea of having one, while... Read more →
in geek + tech, hubs, jacob | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
What a great day we had! It actually started out a bit rocky since David was feeling a little under-the-weather today. Ironically, of ALL days today he decided to take a day off from golf since he wasn't feeling well enough to tee off at a little after 7 a.m.! We headed out for brunch at a new place that... Read more →
My boys often say things that make me go "say what?", but today's remark by Will to David was just plain hilarious. This morning after David was finished brushing his teeth, he walked over to the couch in our bedroom where Will was sitting. Will asked him for a kiss and when David obliged, Will then said, "ooh, Daddy, lemme... Read more →
in hubs, william | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)