When you become a parent, you know that you accept to be responsible for a life, until this life is old enough to look after itself. Needless to say, if your home was a place of hazards before you had a child, things could change dramatically from the moment the magical words appear on the pregnancy test. There are, naturally, plenty of parental duties that are new and that you must learn, starting with changing nappies – and let’s be clear on that one; you are going to have a few accidents before your master this skill – to understanding the needs of your baby – crying being their only form of communication, it’s expected you may not get them immediately. But one factor remains constant in your parenting life, and this is SAFETY. Indeed, you want the very best for your child. Consequently, you want to ensure that they can go through life without having to worry about health hazards, debilitating illnesses or even predators in the outside world.
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