We're on way back home from our Texas travels and I will miss this little peanut more than anything! My sweet niece, Avienne, at just 4 weeks old! Read more →
We're on way back home from our Texas travels and I will miss this little peanut more than anything! My sweet niece, Avienne, at just 4 weeks old! Read more →
As you may know, I recently attended Conversations with Coca-Cola, a conference experience that gave me some insight into the world of Coca-Cola. I was so blown away by this company -- they don't just talk the talk -- they walk the walk. During our time in fabulous Atlanta, Georgia, we were whisked way from our comfy conference roundtable chairs... Read more →
What a whirlwind first day in Atlanta it's been! I arrived this afternoon and met up with a few of my fellow bloggers and we spent the better part of the day relaxing before official Coversations with Coca-Cola (#cclp) sessions commence. We're staying at the W Hotel in downtown Atlanta. This hotel is BEYOND swagger. Seriously, I can't wait to... Read more →
You remember those Coca-Cola commercials, don't you? "Have a Coke & A Smile!"? Oh, yes, that tagline will always stick with me when it comes to thinking about Coke products. And speaking of Coke products, did you know their headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia? I've actually never been to Atlanta for any length of time, except for our first Disney... Read more →
My head's still swirling from the AH-MAY-ZING experience that is Disney Social Media Moms!! Our family returned just 2 short weeks ago from the conference which was followed by 6 extra days at the most Magical Place on Earth! And now, as the pixie dust settles and I sort through all of the wonderful information that was shared and the... Read more →
The past 4 weeks have been a whirlwind! I've been to Florida twice and it's been amazing! Every time I visit someplace with palm trees, I get all sappy and start talking about wanting to move there. I have just always had an affinity for them and the warm weather they are surrounded by. Last month when I was in... Read more →
Wow! Our first whole day here at Disneyworld has rocked! Not that I expected anything less, but I just kept finding myself thinking, "really? Is this REALLY my life? I am SO blessed!". I say that not because of the "material" things that of course come along with a Disney vacation, but because my family - my husband and three... Read more →
I'm so flippin' excited to have been invited to take part in the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration this year! Hubs and I decided to extend our time in Florida even after the conference was over. But, keeping this whole trip a secret from the kids was SO hard! Here's how we spilled the beans! {Disclosure: I was invited to... Read more →
Our little reminder of the impending trip that we're not telling the kids about! Mickey has been ours now for almost a year. The kids love that he's actually called a "Mickey Mouse fish". He's technically a "Marigold Mickey Mouse Swordtail" and I think you can see why. Read more →
Last week I was so excited, humbled, & honored, to have received an invitation to attend the 3rd Annual Social Media Moms Celebration at the Walt Disney World Resort! To be honest, the hubs and I have been talking for a few weeks now about making the trek back to the magical happy place again soon. William, our Kindergartener, spent... Read more →